Monday, December 21, 2009

How Long Jurgens Natural Glow Before Showering


By: Rafo Leon - We're No. 1169 (05/02/2009)

The modern neuroscience in the service of pharmacology in children.
So what I propose could not help but adore children: I have three granddaughters of a year will go walking through life as he opens windows to enter a bit of fresh air in wet rooms and full of dust, that water and routine boredom.

is great. Yet a few days ago I found myself advising a girl that had just matched children, who would have thought a thousand times, you can not continue to commit injustice towards beings who do not know what they are, because no one knows what coming after a long threshold of bad omens. This dialogue with the girl came after my time I had been listening at a meeting a cool chick, owner, director and a kindergarten teacher who leads with love, empathy, so the country and wonder. Alicia is pretty scary. In kindergarten has about fifty children between two and four years. He assures me that more than half are treated with Ritalin, methylphenidate famous psychiatrists and neurologists who prescribe and sell lentejitas D'Onofrio, to control Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity (ADHD). All I hear out of Alicia's lips are new words for me, especially the high proportion of children marked by those words, which do not sound good, let's be honest.

Alice in Worderland
I ask where does this disorder, what it is and what dangers they entail for the child and family. Caring for each of his sentences try to answer: ADHD eligible children restless, mischievous, playful who refuse to spend a whole hour in front of a computer in computer class (after four years!). "There are extreme cases, indeed, lawless, but are not the half of the children of Lima, Alicia sentence. Hazards, continuous, not for the child, are for parents. It turns out that if children do not begin to yield as large, with standards of care, understanding and performance for boys with twice as old, at least, mom and dad are there disappear the possibility of entering the best school in the city where they are taught to be a winner, which relate to offspring of the very best, where there is distinction to be living in Florida, but the drizzle and a pair of Peruvian swearing released around gardeners. Then, Ritalin.

Another Brick ...
With Ritalin the child is sedated, calm, apparently serving, hype does not move. Another brick in the wall Pink Floyd sang. But Alicia goes further: the teachers of the nests are also happy with the medication because then the establishment can receive as many registered since when are doped are more manageable. Froze to listen to Alicia and I make the stupid question "And nobody does anything to clarify and address this?". The answer is that the world is an intense debate about the ethical support of these diagnoses and, above all, of these so-subtle drug prescriptions. The subversive anti-psychiatry in the United States played with the conservative Scientology that a little more care the health of children, from neurosis successful parents. In the world but not in Peru. "I have a girl who breaks my heart," Alicia tells me as she closes her purse must go. "After three years and are taking benzodiazepines because according to her mother, can not sleep well." I confess I'm scared, I tired smiles and retorts: "next time I can tell of cases of infantile anorexia. Moms little girls see their future as a gateway bristles and inject a lethal message that eating hurts, scallops lunch boxes: crackers, a tomato, a bottle of Evian. " Do not have kids, girl, or before you learn to live.

Monday, November 23, 2009

I'm On Disability Will I Get A W-2 From Gov

suffering endured

way of life ... she has achieved factors in human discomfort, discomfort and even suffering. Are inevitable and to deny its existence in so foolish as to deny life itself. According to González Prada "Life can be summarized in three words: Sad, ridiculous and Pork, HOWEVER, WE CAN SPILL SOME JOY IN SORROW THAT HAS SOMETHING IN THAT ridiculous LIFT AND CLEAN SOME that crap. "

This reminds us of our personal responsibility. And this is not is expected that life in a beautiful spring day to show us his face delicate and maternal and guide us along the path towards the desired goal. NO! life brings, or rather, life is bitter and imposibilitante A broken promise. But it can be overcome with discipline and psychological flexibility. Hard work.

For most of us apparently have more threats opportunities that these words, which I believe are guilty of no obvious way should be our top indisputable. Let's start.


  • Psychology is a necessary tool for personal development. Personal development requires sacrifice and commitment. Then, the psychology is confined to failure.
  • If you feel overwhelmed by it all and think that life is not worth living. Kill yourself! But do it by being a selfish fool. There is nothing worse than doing things for the wrong reason.
  • optimism should not obscure the view. Not happy to propose measures when he does reign of mediocrity and stupidity.
  • Afterglow and stability. We are social beings. Shine by our reasoning. How do I form a coherent sentence with those words?

Friday, November 13, 2009

Garrison Wood Stove 14184

is true ... But that does not serve as a pretext

could not agree more with Gaturro !

Monday, September 14, 2009

Send Me A Free Prom Dress Catalogs



look for and have a positive attitude toward "living" is appropriate and desirable because it allows us to get up every day in the morning, asearnos, work, interact, think, plan, propose better things and, ultimately, sleep. The opposite is apathy, depression and indolence. This would be a self-optimism will do what I do and is a necessary optimism. But there is another futile optimism, that positive psychology aims to sell and that would be closer to what it claims to self-help book than a serious position. Believe that a normal person be extended easily (and I dare say that even hard) to the pressures of the age, sex, intelligence, education level or economic resources seems naive. Would have to reach levels of personal discipline that enable them to avoid the powerful influence of global media and homogenized aspiring people mercilessly. And this rarely happens.

other hand, sell the belief that happiness is a desirable and achievable goal is the same in this line of dumbing down. Finally I quote

Norberto Bobbio and I join him

"I am a pessimist illustrated. I am, so to speak, an illustrator who has learned the lesson of Hobbes, De Maistre, Machiavelli and Marx. I think also that the pessimistic approach is more appropriate for the man illustrated the optimistic view. The optimist always involves a certain dose of enthusiasm, and enlightened man should not be enthusiastic. And there are also optimists who believe that history is indeed a drama but a drama with a happy ending. I only know that history is a drama, but do not know, because I can not know, a drama with a happy ending. Optimists are the others, who like Gabriel Peri, who, dying gloriously he wrote, 'will prepare shortly morning singing. " The mornings have arrived but the songs we have not heard. And when I look around me I hear no songs but roaring.
would not want this statement of pessimism to be understood as a gesture of resignation. It is a healthy act of austerity after so many orgies of optimism, a prudent refusal to participate in the feast of rhetoric forever holidays. It is an act of satiety rather than disgust. And besides, pessimism does not bridle the industry, but the routes and better directed to its target. Between the optimist whose maxim is: 'Do not do anything, you'll see how everything works out' and the pessimist replies, 'Do what you have to do, but things go from bad to worse', I prefer the second [...] Do not say that the optimists will always be fools, but fools are always optimistic. I can not separate in my mind the blind trust in the providence historical or theological vanity who believes he is the center of the world and that everything happens for his suggestion. Respect and appreciation, however, that works well without asking for assurances that the world will improve and no waiting, no awards or even say confirmations. Only the great pessimist is able to act with a clear mind, with the determined, with a sense of humility and complete dedication to duty. "

Sunday, August 30, 2009

All Season Vs All Season Touring

The infinite human stupidity

Is it possible to replicate the sound and rational argument which says that human beings are infinitely stupid?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sparring Techniques Karate

Cioran Psychotherapist and

EM Cioran (1911 - 1995) Hungarian-born thinker, but most of his works were published in French, whose nationality taken as yours. Masterfully developed aphorism. However categorization might be questionable, it can be considered within the nihilism and pessimism, lines of thought that presented with elegance.
Among many other things, he was convinced that the work of a psychotherapist was just an excuse, a screen, a search Silly exogenous and relief at the lack of proper means to survive (do not speak of Living; Cioran would be more in keeping with the idea of \u200b\u200bsurvival than of Living).
The main issues to understand Cioran could have been so unbearable it is for human beings themselves, their gross and depressing ironic and paradoxical crisis and lack of sense (even though the meaning is probably not a feature of the work Cioran).
The problem would be that lines mentioned above: The human being does not support the neurotic ambivalence which is plagued throughout his life but longs to be wildly happy. Cioran would say there is not much to do to avoid the misfortune of being "human." In contrast, it would be nonsense to live in a stoic and soft. However, he tries to tell us that people possess arcane complexities and unfathomable depths. NO! On the contrary, we would be too simple to understand our inherent simplicity.
Therefore, the work of psychotherapy would be a spectacular waste of time only justifiable by the foolish belief that each of us is a dismays world caused by the complicated vicissitudes of life.

So he stopped writing:
"... Anyone attaches itself a destination, then anyone can describe yours. The belief that psychology [1] reveals our absence should stick to our actions, thought to involve an intrinsic value or symbolic. Then came the snobbery of the "complex" to teach us to enlarge our trifles, to let ourselves be blinded by them and gratify our self with the power and depth of which is conspicuously lacking ... " (EM Cioran. " The temptation exist ". From French La tentation d'exister , 1972).
Thus we see that the story of the "complex" and teach us to magnify our trifles psychotherapists should have carved a place in modernity.

[1] Cioran says psychology, but because of the wide range of action that has the discipline today-amplitude did not possess at the time he wrote his work, "psychology can be aptly replaced by psychotherapy, because as we saw, there was the matter.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Design Blogs Drapery Holdback Installation

CONFLICT AND VIOLENCE: Conceptual Difference - Conflict Management

Nature is diverse. Culture is an extension of nature. The contrasts are made between them have served as a terrific excuse to wander foolishly.
culture is merely a refinement of Natura (Already researchers have argued currents are supposed to as far away as ethology, Psychology, Social Psychology and Cultural Anthropology, but the difference between them lies in the importance they attach to each of them.) As I said, culture is the refinement of nature, or rather, SHOULD BE. I say should be because if we make a brief observation of the society as a whole does not seem to be a refinement but a mere copy of the wild, only now between concrete, big cities and technology. Some would say that culture is the highest peak of the "human development". You should be! But it is not. Start
saying that nature is heterogeneous ... And so is culture, but conflicts caused by heterogeneity, which is a property of nature, should be corrected with elegance for the alleged human development. Not so.

Example: Racism and contempt for the stranger are forms of human behavior that have clear phylogenetic bases, ie lags are dragged from our primitive animal nature. In other words, racism and contempt por el forastero son formas de comportamientos que adquirimos en tiempos idos, que nos sirvieron para una mejor adaptación al medio, en ese entonces salvaje, y para avanzar como especie. Rechazar al extraño es propio de especies sociales. Pero ahora ya no nos sirve como ventaja adaptativa, pero seguimos siendo racistas y rechazando al forastero… ¿Cultura ha hecho lo pertinente para controlar esas formas de comportamiento? Tal vez en ámbitos restringidos y con casos excepcionales, pero ¿podemos decir que eso es lo común? No. Las guerras por credo, territorio, raza, dominación demuestran que el control cultural no ha sido efectivo –hasta ahora– para el impulso natural.

¿Cuál is the form of "cultural control" (perhaps not the best name but we can give an idea) most commonly used in society?: Tell lightly that we are all equal. This just trying to homogenize vulgar to all without conscience or respect for differences (which incidentally, are not as abysmal but they are there). And there is nothing more terrible to do the same as what is not. It must manage the conflicts arising from the heterogeneity, on the other hand, is absolutely typical of the constitution of the universe. Heterogeneity is inherent to the universe. In the heterogeneous nature collide-o-interacts and causes drastically forward or reverse that finally, after all, is a requirement of universal cycle. With regard to man ("with superior intelligence?), The heterogeneous collide-o-interacts and causes conflict if not managed with competence, respect and common purpose produces violence, the destructive side of human beings. And it lags need not be explicit. Violence has worsened daily and will continue if we take more fuel to the fire by enabling a world increasingly crowded, sick, addicted to drugs and environmental damage.


All people should interact, relate with other (The anacoresis is fine but for a select few).

All people are heterogeneous. We are different (I'm sure the difference is not essential, that is, we are not each a different world to discover. But we have our differences quite respectable).

When we interact with others we meet directly with its heterogeneity, with its otherness and conflict arises which is quite expected and normal. If you do not respond assertively, with conscience and respect for differences (response very difficult to carry out) violence occurs.

Not every conflict leads to violence. But all violence comes from a mismanaged conflict.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Midnight Hot Without Cloth



"Many times the teaching of mathematics is governed by a model traditional teaching, therefore, students lose interest in this matter and in most cases, teachers ignore the importance of a good use of language in this way to create strategies that encourage and facilitate their students an understanding of the processes to be followed in solving the problems, according to the subjects discussed "

In today's education have not changed things. Some factors which may be decisive in the proposal you have to renew the mind and then the language of mathematics, which, as science mater must have strong ties with the teacher's attention and commitment it has with its students. However, as suggested by Vygotsky, in his theory "the medium as a trainer structural thinking individual", it is vital that the teacher is related to the environment in order to generate more precise and clear way the notion of knowledge.

Let the words you use are to rise to the occasion, but obviously this is from most of their training as a person, which leads us to reflect on a question of time before and is: Are we teaching complex enough to exercise our profession, both in class and in our personal lives, having a clear notion of trainers, people with purpose of use to society?

may seem somewhat difficult to answer this question, but it is clear that the management of an excellent language with an excellent strategy is the creation of a new educational and emotional process towards mathematics, EJM.: We know that the number one and the number two exist infinite sets and subsets of more numbers. If we apply this example to life, find then that this principle is a functional law. In the center of a table is a bowl, in the same find a world of many different ecosystems consisting of organisms that live there, and that in turn are part of another external world that exerts a function on the same giving way to the set theory, one of the most important laws of mathematics.

This is the language of mathematics. Complex but simple turn applicable to the environment in which we live daily, and parallel to a world that we ignore is present there, with its own laws and forms of expression.

The use of language in teaching mathematics in most cases is not correct because the teacher is guided by a traditional pedagogical model which implies an authoritarian teacher by making the student a passive recipient in this way causes problems in understanding, creating a wall of recentemente toward math.

has been shown that students do not hate but feel matemmaticas phobia about it, this is the communication you have received from their teachers.

Math is considered a very important matter and for this reason we believe that their teaching and how to communicate must be correct to facilitate their learning and it is clear that idea is something very difficult, because it is difficult to teach, a mechanism and local advocacy for teachers to avoid admitting their mistake is if he understood correctly unless you also enter and hblar or only with the board, this is because the teacher does not know how to communicate and is unaware that each has a different learning perosnas that sometimes it is faster or slower, then by not knowing how to communicate it protects your board and "I was uestede no", which creates a bad communication.

For a math teacher in language and communication must be very important in addition to having a good command of the subject, it can be a good mathematician but if you do not know how to communicate with their students will not be a good teacher.

A math teacher should be aware of the stages of language set by piaget to meet his students and thus establish the most appropriate educational ethod, says piaget "children make sense of things primarily through its actions on its environment" for the language relates to experience, every teacher can use their experience and their students as a basis for improving comunicaion with these and the relationship.

Vygotsky (1978) highlighted the value of culture and social context, he saw the child grow when and help guide them in the learning process. Vygotsky (1962, 1991) assumed that the child has a need to act effectively and independently and have the ability to develop mental state superior performance when interacting with the culture (as he interacts with others). The child has an active role in the learning process but does not act alone.

The student needs to be an active receiver in this way can one properly understand the issue needs to explore and discover but always with a mediator in this case the teacher to guide him toward the right direction without telling all, allowing that develop their skills and understanding of the subject.


To finish this vicious chain of math phobia the best solution is to understand and manage in an adequate language and communication, and also have knowledge of the theories already mentioned above, as Piaget and Vygotsky .

The traditional model gives misconceptions and be forgotten, and we must open our minds to new solutions for a better work already done by teachers in mathematics.
and erase from our minds the concept of pedagogy and the slave who had brought children to school.

I invite you to visit this website.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

How Many Weeks Brazillian Wax

Regarding the psychologist BF Skinner-century Highlights XX-can say many things but we can be sure that most of what has been said has been based on interpretations of interpretations or opinions of third parties, that is, in colloquial views of what is supposed that he tried to say and if we're lucky, we can find some considerations from the readings made on Skinner. But few have been read directly or have tried. It has already formed such a visceral dislike about behaviorism that only a great intellectual interest may exceed that unfair obstacle. The false critical (ie, reproach, scorn and / or disinformation) it rained like the deluge in regard to Skinnerian behaviorism and postskinneriano. Despite all this, Skinner was always interested in the human condition and his work was fundamental in that line.

But why do I make this clarification? Because you could say that the root of most of his criticism has a strong ideological bias, on the other hand, there would be nothing inappropriate but because it is outside the doctrine anthropocentric, in my consideration, has brought more harm than good. To get the measure of all things and to propose, with the anthropic principle, that universal physical laws are restricted to those that allow the existence of the human species, this doctrine has placed us in a dictatorial center in which all lights have gone down in history as the despot lowest we can be. (What would happen to the world and the universe, if at this very moment the entire human species disappeared?).

In contrast Skinner told us "I never guessed that I was different from the pigeons." "Animal is a pejorative term, Skinner says, "but this is true only because the term has been dignified man to truly honorable spurious levels. Kruth said that while the traditional view confirms Hamlet's exclamation, 'Be like a god! ", Pavlov, the behavioral scientist, enhances the exclamation' Be like a dog!" Which meant at the time a step forward. A god is the archetypal mold of explanatory fiction, of a mind maker of miracles, of the metaphysical. The man is much more than a dog. But man, like a dog, can be analyzed scientist. " (BF Skinner, Beyond Freedom and Dignity , 248-249). With clear insight Skinner treats us off the pedestal that we have built.

I take, as an endpoint, MA Denegri what Skinner says about: "There is so much human beings are not a talent that was Skinner and yet are too convinced that they were entirely different from the pigeons. And they are not. I stay because, with Skinner. His statement was sincere. There was a boutade . He was indeed and basically like pigeons, but it was also creative and valuable member of our species. Complazcámonos therefore as in the human species no crowd or copying, but rather a shortage of members and pro viso. "

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Does Beer Cause Gallbladder

BF Skinner's behavior analysis

Saying Behavior Analysis collation come to two possibilities: the Experimental Analysis of Behavior (AEC) and Functional Behavioral Analysis (CFA). To let me try to explain these ideas taken from some articles, books and research that will be cited in detail at the end.

behaviorist psychology is a school of thought with three levels of scientific organization, which complement and feed back each other: behaviorism, experimental analysis of behavior (AEC) and the technology for the application derived from the AEC, which some authors have called behavioral engineering.

The first level refers to the philosophy of behaviorism or behaviorism itself, and understands this as a behavioral science, namely the study of the interaction between the individual and its physical, biological and social, covering a wide range of psychological phenomena at the linguistic, cognitive, emotional-motivational and sensory-motor. It is a philosophy of the non reductionist (or physiological or mentalist) that considers the human as a being interacting in a complex network, which includes other individuals and their situational environment. This is, in general, the firm foundation on which stands the behavioral architecture.

The CET is the theory, methodology, categories are formulated, analytical units, parameters, research paradigms and the laws and principles involved in managing data. The analysis is done on what is called behavioral episode or segment of conduct. The equations (for example: K = f [E, O, R, C]) involving the analysis of a specific behavioral and representative segment covering the entire spectrum organismic and situational such as: relationships established between the factors stimulus, organismic-dispositional situations, types of responses and consequences. The CET can be said to include turn itself to experimental analysis and functional analysis of behavior. The first relates to the comprehensive experimental work from which have been discovered and established the basic laws of human behavior and complex. BF Skinner developed the scientific system and is one of its main exponents. On the other hand, functional analysis has a more practical direction and applicable at the clinical, educational, social or organizational, to say the best known, and refers to the establishment of functional relationships between variables. Avoided, by the difficulties involved, the concept of "cause" as a single factor explanation and proposed the "functional relationship", understood as the covariance between the parameters (frequency, magnitude, duration, etc.). A variable with other parameters.
Thus, in a strict sense, functional analysis (CFA) is to identify a subset of the functional variables (those that are important, controllable, and causal) whose manipulation results in a significant change in a particular behavior (or set of behaviors) in a person (or group of persons) individual / is.

Finally, regarding the conduct engineering involves the technological means all those working procedural, somehow related to basic research paradigms and their combinations have been developed as effective applications. Can be defined as "the application of scientific knowledge for development, improvement and management techniques for the establishment, maintenance or removal of conduct."

This is a very slight explanation of what Psychology is and what he intends to do. From these ideas are intended to give some light on what is defined as Behavior Analysis, which is probably the essence of this paradigm and what would become a scientific psychology. Behavior analysis is, first, inextricably anchored to a practical philosophy, clear and explanatory breadth, on the other, determines a rigorous application level, effective and consistent. In sum, this line of action seems the most sensible in times of great intellectual and professional irresponsibility.

The question now is whether we have tools and rigorous and reliable, scientific basis and proven. The problem now is if we use. At this point it is fair to say that this is not to "sell" the idea that behavioral psychology is the medium of exchange guaranteed for any dysfunctional situation. Doing so would defeat the proposal pessimistic on this blog. It is concerned to demonstrate their broad level of usefulness and originality at a time when more and more all speeds, where the multiplication of stimuli is overwhelming and where quality standards are becoming more miserable and vulgar. That creates a very favorable environment for those practices that are flying the "anything goes" who presume to present novel techniques that do nothing but return to old mentality and esoteric rituals should remain in the arcana of prehistory.

"To some extent the power of numbers among the people seems to support that display novel insofar as demonstrable knowledge current challenge. In this field the successful argument is always the one that caricatures parsimonious rational choice but to oppose phenomenological formulas "saviors" to preserve the Holy Grail transcendent human nature "(Montgomery, 2005). References

Experimental Analysis of Behavior and profits.

Montgomery, W. (2005). The Behavioural Endeavors, Today. Testing theoretical and practical interpretation . Ed RPFA: Lima, Peru.


Skinner, BF (1979).
Contingencies of Reinforcement. Cap. 4. Pp.75-95. Experimental Analysis of Behavior.

Monday, April 20, 2009

How To Get Creases Out Of Vinyl

Virtual Relations / SPACE

virtual operations in establishing a new form of relationship, using the coordinates of space and time, overcoming spatial barriers, and setting and present environment in which communication and become more infromacion accessible from their possibilities.

spatial relationships in math skills starting with the observation and representation of the real world. When we perceive an object
perform various mental operations. These transactions involve the preconceptions we have of the world and our ability to make relationships between the perceived and the way we perceive. The truth is that there are different ways of perceiving, some slower and others faster. Similarly, we can perform different mental relations, we can also use our concepts differently to solve problems.

I invite you to visit:

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tamil Wedding Word Blogs

Eclecticism trashy, pseudo-science and "New Therapies"

the difference between the new practices "psychological" or holistic and eclectic witchcraft practices, shamanic and / or mystical? Little or nothing. The placebo effect is on the agenda and the aim is to relieve the pain as soon as possible (something that has nothing wrong with it except that it becomes an endless cycle). As Psychiatry Mental Health aims to produce prescribing recipes (the heads of Mental Health are psychiatrists. Go folly. I recommend this excellent article on Mental Health and Psychiatry HERE), as I said, like psychiatry, the "new therapies" that revolve around Current mood to do everything at once and faster is better. Thus, mixed without a clear order, "techniques" from different sources: mental, spiritual, energy, sensory, oriental, religious, and some psychology there, and with it, so elegant, sold smoke.

happens that for the proclaimers of these trends would not be a demerit or less a failure of action. Some of this is noted in an exchange of words on one side remained an advocate of these new "therapies" and on the other, a current critic of pseudoscience. Look at the question that makes the critical defense and see and what kind of arguments put forward the "new therapists" (this is a quote from the whole conversation):

Ombudsman for new therapies : Where do you draw that for something to be effective or approved must have a theory to support it?

critical Answer: From the methodology and philosophy of science. I know that something can be effective but not have an explanation for it. A good example is the kitchen. Prepare a delicious meal and almost always works, works out, has the same taste. But do not control the variables. One day we get "bad" and do not know why. Science is not treated as a cooking method. It is preferable and strongly recommended that has a solid theoretical framework and hypotheses tested (and testable). I do not see how could advance our knowledge through the centuries. NLP does not meet any of the two conditions: no theory and experiment does not support its effectiveness.

We see that the question of counsel summarized their whole outlook. On the other hand, the critic's response notes that we also want to note here: to encourage critical and scientific attitude. In some lines that follow in this conversation the defense says something else that binds to the above he also said: "Whatever the theoretical basis but it works." Heavenly! This argument is similar to one that usually answers all pseudoscientific and is now used by the "new therapies" to get rid of responsibility: "It is pertinent to ask about their truth or falsity, but on its usefulness." Beautiful!

can say, at this level that the functionality is not established by the immediacy but for efficiency and fail is precisely where the "new trends." They are not effective, just seem to be. The person would have to attend regularly to get a new dose of relieving this cycle indefinitely and that becomes endless, only makes her more dependent every day but the feeling has freer.

This is because the "new therapies" suffer from a psycho-educational strategy that distance every day to achieve the therapist of the client. And if ever achieved was because in the course of the intervention used behavioral procedures marked line. This is no mystery. On the other hand, and what you see in the fees they receive their proclamations, it appears that the raw profit. The costs of workshops and training courses for professionals and therapy sessions for customers with prices that do not correspond to what provided. This plus the fact that such activities are carried out in an environment that gives the impression that you were teaching the "secret of life" worthy of a select few. Mental health can not and should not be mysteries because it is a work of public knowledge. Profit is desirable and justified but not trying to con trying to sell the "revolutionary cure" for all the ills of the mind.

Finally, from our perspective, we believe a reliable way to support fully ascertained, gives us the technology derives from the analysis of behavior (behavior therapy, Behavior Modification and Behavior Analysis Applied) to work with parsimony and long term. In the next post I will try to extend these considerations.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Brent Free

A Beautiful Mind (A Beautiful Mind)

The real life of John Forbes Nash, Jr.

"A Beautiful Mind," "A Beautiful Mind" is a great product Hollywood inspired by the life of John Nash, but that does not pretend to be his biography. In fact very few facts or real life situations that are counted Nash in the film.
The father was also called John Forbes Nash as the father of the child distinguish American-style, adding the qualifier "Senior" or "Junior" (Jr.). Senior Nash was born in Texas in 1892 and studied electrical engineering. After fighting in France during the First World War, was for one year electrical engineering professor at the University of Texas after which he joined the company Appalachian Power Company in Bluefield, West Virginia.
Jr. Nash's mother, Margaret Virginia Martin, studied languages \u200b\u200bat universities Martha Washington College and West Virginia University. She taught for ten years before marrying Nash Senior, 6 September 1924.
Johnny Nash and his family called him, was born in Bluefield Sanatorium on 13 June 1928 and was baptized in the Episcopal Church. His biographers say he was a lonely, introverted child but was surrounded a loving and caring family. He seems very fond of books and very little play with other children. His mother encouraged him to study teaching and taking you directly to good schools.
However, not noted for his brilliance at school. On the contrary, because of their awkwardness in social relationships, was considered a little late. However, at twelve years spent much time at home to do scientific experiments in his room.

deals with the life of mathematician John Nash, from his arrival Princeton University , his relationship with his friends and future colleagues, his obsession with finding a brilliant theory that makes you stand out as a mathematical genius and the onset of his illness was diagnosed years later as schizophrenia. With the help of his wife Alicia and their strength of will and courage to overcome, get to face their evil and in 1994 he won the Nobel prize.

* Demonstrates how the power of love can overcome any obstacles.
* What is to fight the disease of schizophrenia which entailed him to see the three characters as was the girl's, Charles and American spy.
* The emotional blockages which conlleba these consequential problems within their marriage, which gradually try to find the formula for survival.
* A root of schizophrenia leads him to a secret job as an analyst for spy codes for the government agent William Parcher (Ed Harris) who was a very strong mental block preventing the leave this disease.

Kid Masterbation Spots

LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL (La Vita e bella)

Roberto Benigni

Born October 27, 1952 in Tuscany (Italy), has become a safe value of recent Italian cinema. Good comic, Federico Fellini compared to Buster Keaton. Married Nicoletta Braschi, partner in many of its películas.Obtuvo a certain fame in the world of entertainment to the mid-7O, performing monologues funny and bold. In 1977 he debuted as a film actor with "Berlinguer, ti voglio bene" by Giuseppe Bertolucci.Tras the great success of the telecast "L'altra domenica" Renzo Arbore, acted in several films, among which we recall the beautiful " CHIEDE Asylum "(1979) by Marco Ferreri and the unusual" Il Minestrone "(1981) by Sergio Citti.En 1983 he worked first as director in the film episodes" Your my turbine "(1983). Afterwards, his acting career continued with notable titles among which stands at "The Voice of the Moon" (1990) by Federico Fellini, as well as "Under weight of the law "(1986) by Jim Jarmusch," The Son of the Pink Panther "(1993) Blake Edwards and" Non piangere che ci subtraction "(1984), directed with Massimo Troisi.Con" Johnny Toothpick "( 1991) and "The Monster" (1994), Benigni won wide popularity, although the results are artistically uneven. However, with "Life Is Beautiful" (1997) was able not only to the standard public resounding success but also many international awards among which include the Grand Jury Prize at Cannes and three Oscars (Best Actor, Best Foreign Film and Best Score). In 1999 he was one of the interpreters of the film "Asterix and Obelix against Caesar ", directed by Claude Zidi, and in 2002 appeared the film" Pinocchio ", which had a dual role of actor and director.

, an Italian man of Jewish descent , who lives in the city of Arezzo in 1939 . Guido falls in love and later married Dora, the ex- an official girlfriend. With her has a son named Joshua.
this family's happiness is short for Guido, his uncle and Joshua are deported to a concentration camp
. Dora, who was called to board the train that leads to the field, he voluntarily entered with the whole family ends up in such recruitment. Guido there to believe his son Joshua that everything is a game where you only win if it can be seen by the "grumpy" German guards. Each day he invents new games for your child and use their imagination to save the life of Joshua and was not see what is happening. The child, tempted by the tank that, according to his father, will be the winner, live recruitment as a game, unaware of the atrocities that happen around them, all thanks to the ingenuity of Guido.
Some time later, German soldiers prepare to leave the camp with the imminent arrival of Allied soldiers, and hastily try to kill all prisoners. Guido manages to hide his son moments before being arrested by a soldier, which leads him into an alley where he is killed because of multiple shots to get the soldier.
When calm returns to the concentration camp in the morning, Joshua leaves his hiding place and sees the field empty. The field has been released by the Americans and, precisely, to see a tank going into the place, Joshua remember the prize that was promised his father (the tank car.) U.S. pilot found in Joshua surprised and not understand what he speaks, he goes with him and found the way to his mother.

One of the blocks that appear in this film is about his son Joshua, who with all the bad things usually happen around the child begins to feel that something is wrong, but his father mental power of the magnetization makes everything that is happening is nothing more than a game to Joshua.

arise several blocks,

physical blockage
In that Guido can not be separated from his wife and son, but it makes even the impossible to be near fight them and that they are well.

mental block
Your riddles, his power of imagination against such a complicated situation to get his son Joshua thinks it is a game.

This does not preclude the love he has towards his wife Dora and not die for the echo to be in that situation, and make her feel good as having it on top of that they are well, giving dedications as it was through music and word that made her feel so good,''Good morning Princess.''

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dry White Spot On Dog's Nose

Reuven Feuerstein (Mental Operations)

Reuven Feuerstein, Romanian Jewish educator, developed the theory of Structural Cognitive Modifiability, stating that all people may have developed their learning potential. In his theory, he developed ten criteria considered as puzzle pieces that contribute to the reality of mediated learning experience, where the educator's role is fundamental and indispensable in the process of teaching and student learning. Feuerstein studies are known in many countries and pose a challenge for educators working with people with special needs and learning difficulties.

Strange Nipple Images


Ozamiz Miguel de Guzmán (1936-2004)

born in Cartagena (Murcia) on January 12, 1936. He died in Madrid on April 14, 2004. Mathematician, writer, member of the Royal English Academy.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Drinking Guinness Can Cause The Stools To Be Dark

Do we really want change? Worsening

Several months ago I asked him a question via email to Marco Aurelio Denegri (MAD). The question arose from my reading of his penultimate book entitled Of this and that , in which there is an article called artificialeza Nature and in man . Communication literally so:

In his book about this and that when dealing with Nature and artificialeza in humans, in the epilogue states that:

"I share the sentiments of the Masons, according to which man is a construction. Now, I think that is construction have 25 square meters, only 25, because the other 75, the total area of \u200b\u200b100, have already been built. "

Good. However, because you used as an important source book Man Irenäus preprogrammed Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I mention what the author says on page 84:

"... ultimately not make much sense quantitative assessments designed to establish what percentage of human behavior is innate and how much is learned. This conjecture has no basis of rational relationship. "

If you believe that this point is important, let me ask you can get on these two positions?

Until then communication you send to MAD so that it could acquit through his television. He responded by this means but I sent an email that in essence, as is reasonable and appropriate, was the same as said on TV. Overall this was the mail:

"... I simply send a copy of my work," Do we want really change? "I think at this point or these Honduras I would have to reduce potential construction area of \u200b\u200b10 square meters. Haber said, as I-25 square meters was too optimistic. "
Marco Aurelio Denegri


Ching Hai, the Taiwanese master who achieved lighting, they say, the Himalayas and who is considered a living Buddha, is stirring the spiritual roost in the East as in the West for several years, about twenty.
Their method, essentially Buddhist requires, among other things, entirely vegetarian diet and positive spirit, we must meditate, contemplate, reflect and want of spiritual transformation or enlightenment or great existential change vehemently and despair. Ching Hai

exemplifies the latter referring to a very interesting history of Zen Buddhism. Zenica is a very vivid story, I mean, really effective in terms of message. Consists on page 36 of the number 94 issue of The Supreme Master Ching Hai News (News from Supreme Master Ching Hai). History Zenica

referring Ching Hai is as follows:

A Zen disciple asked his teacher how you can enlightenment, and his teacher tells him that wishing it so much, then the disciple asks him about it a lot: "Ah," says the master, "come with me, come with me to the river."

reach the river and the teacher tells the disciple goal head completely under water, that it sinks in it and hold your breath. The disciple obeyed, but after half a minute, needing to breathe, want to take the lead, but the teacher immediately then it sinks again. Then it starts all a struggle, of increasing intensity, between the disciple who wants to get the head and the teacher who does not want to serve. The disciple swallow water, desperate, kick, begin to suffer from drowning and drowning when the teacher picks it up and taken out of water. The disciple, faint, exhausted, panting, arrives to tell his teacher gasped:

"Master, why did this to me? I almost drowned, I almost died. "

The teacher said

" I did it because I wanted you to despair. Now wanting desperately to understand that only the illumination gain it. If you're not desperate, then you will never light up. "

Know that for those who do not feel well, this is, for most of the people, are entirely valid the following considerations of the famous existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre:

"We are far from our situation will change," says Sartre, in Being and Nothingness (1943) - . What is more, it even seems that we are not even able to change ourselves. I'm not 'free' to escape the fate of my class, my nation or my family or to build my power or my fortune, nor to overcome my bias or insignificant habits. I am born workers, French, hereditary syphilis or tuberculosis. The story of a life-whatever-is history of failure.

[...] "Before 'made' man seems 'made' by climate and land, race, class, language, history of the community as part of the inheritance, the particular circumstances of his childhood, of habit, large or small events of his life. "

(Walter Biemel, Sartre. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSalvat, 1986, 125.)

Gurdjieff said quite rightly that in our life we best efforts to make no effort. Certerísimo.

Desrutinizarse and begin the long and laborious process of change and transformation ontological existential is for the common man, ie for 90 percent of the world, something as unattractive as it would for a lazy famous flee quickly to the approaching danger of a snake. In effect, this slave of sloth, rather than try to flee, would rather ask what you should antidote against snake venom.

Sincerémonos: rather than give up our comfort, we would prefer cliffs and perish. Neither more nor less than Baralt when railed against the government term. "Everything you try, he said, everything is done, less write such a word, less pronounced, at least include you in the Dictionary of the Academy. Before it perish, and perish the tongue, and perish all. "(Rafael María Baralt, Dictionary of Galice. Madrid, Imprenta Nacional, 1855, sv" Government ".)

Arthur Koestler (1905-1983) states that once was willing to die, but not to resign (though it was dangerous the unavoidable) the warmth and comfort that provided temporary home of a friend. The story has been told it has been reported Koestler and Erich Fromm. Let's see what it tells us about it.

"In life," writes Fromm-would require such enormous changes, people prefer to sacrifice a future catastrophe I would have to do today. The description by Arthur Koestler's something that happened during the English Civil War is an outstanding example of this common attitude:

"Koestler was the comfortable villa of a friend when she was told of Franco troops advanced. Arrive during the night and most likely he would be killed. Could be saved away, but the night was cold and rainy, and warm and comfortable home. Decided to stay and took him prisoner. Several weeks later, and almost miraculously escaped death thanks to the efforts of some journalist friends.

"This will also involve those who prefer to risk dying which presumably undergo a review reveals a serious illness that would require a major surgery. "

(Erich Fromm, To have or be? Thirteenth reprint of the first edition in English. Mexico, Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1998, 29.)

Boat-shaped Wedding Dress

What the film can show the children of the sky, is that there is little communication between parents and children and they for fear of a scolding preferred silence. You can also see that women have to keep some respect and obey the men in what they decide. Apart from anything
This reflects the solidarity and the desire to succeed and not have everything you need to survive.
The characters in this story are ZAHRA ALI. All started when Ali loses his sister's shoes, she waited anxiously for him to come to see as they had to die, but when he arrived was that the surprise had been lost, have no other solution to all they could do was use Ali's shoes, wear the shoes of Ali but left to study as a study in the morning and one afternoon at the basis of this t this to the sister does not like to much and that she was very ugly and they were very dirty, this new right of Ali and Zahra was very hard because one studied morning and one afternoon at this base had to make some efforts to stop any efforts to study these were that Ali had to be faster every day if I wanted to arrive early to school but as we look for more always late to run this will cause problems with the rector, as he was such a good student this will help. After he realizes that there is a contest of athletics and in the prizes, one is a pair of shoes you choose to participate do everything possible to win the race and it showed that the fall is when you want something fight for it to achieve no matter the efforts is to do all that interested for at this time was the prize but not the first but of convenience. What it shows is that maybe in life there are people fighting for things that do not want them but whether you play for any reason and that we must put ourselves in the shoes of others so we know the sacrifices that many people done only for survival.
This also shows him as there are certain blocks in children of this reason that sometimes makes finding is repressed by a low status in society, another may be the life that led her parents are, how they want their lived children do.

in any part of our life can reveal the racial and socioeconomic discrimination, for those who have more or less, you can also see that the richer people are the boss and are essential at any time but often have much money makes us happy.

Hpt18-60compatible Replacement Thermostat


communication varies depending on the different societies and cultures, for example, which specific group of common characters do daily to other cultures may be banned. Very common are the smells, corporealities, spaces, sounds, etc.. And they are remarkably views when they have contact with other cultures. Something that happens very often is that some people are the need to emigrate to another country where they are often excluded and discriminated against, mainly because these people do not want to accept them within their community, but they may be able to change their thinking throughout his life as a result of the interaction with people of other cultures.
The word or the spoken language is vital for good communication, Edward Sapir, I propose that the language of a particular culture influences how people think, he maintains that people view the world according to the language they speak and speak several languages \u200b\u200bare worlds apart. Therefore the existence of more than five thousand languages \u200b\u200bin use makes it complex communicate and understand as it is added to local variations of class, ethnicity, etc.
So it's very common for people to learn to cope in various ways with the cultures that coexist there to accept them, discriminate against, enjoy, classify, dislike, etc. Just as there are many languages \u200b\u200bthere are other ways to communicate, for example, silence, gestures in space, etc.
cultural exchange is very common and makes people see the need comunicarsen and understood, for example, m often do in trade, it makes time and space fulfill an important role as the common area and produces meaning.
space usage is different between those who inhabit different social environments, for example, a common is what happens in Brazil from the largest and most expensive buildings you can see the fa candles.
The language of our body is very diverse and has many cultural meanings vary. Each culture has its gestures that mark, so when a person is speaking a language and begins to speak about other changes your body language. When we have physical contact with another person we are communicating well, such as hugging, kissing, petting, etc.
are ways to communicate with our body, so the verbal and body language are part of the same communication process.

Alejandro Grimson.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sample Anniversary Note

Cognition is the act or process of knowing as a process of human development is present in both discussions of psychology, engineering, linguistics as education . It has become an interdisciplinary knowledge that explains processes such as perception, memory, attention, among others. There are three approaches basic understanding of cognition: A psychometric approach, which measures quantitative changes in the intelligence people as it matures. The second is the Piagetian approach, which emphasizes the qualitative changes in the way people think as it develops.
The third approach is the model of information processing, which examines the steps, actions and progressive operations that take place when people receive, perceive, remember, think and use information. These approaches are embedded into two streams: Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Science, which from the theoretical point of view certain features that distinguish them.
basic cognitive processes are

cognitive processes are determining factors in learning, there are different techniques that facilitate such learning, currently within the most used are Mind Mapping, Concept Maps.
ConceptualesEstrategia Mind Maps and developed by British psychologist Tony Buzan in the early 70's. It is a tool enabling the storage, organization and presentation of information in order to facilitate learning processes, management and organizational planning and decision making.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Skirt Pattern 36 Waist


Life should be easy, we sleep and relax surrounded by the benefits of technology, it will make it easier everything. But of course!, We will make everything easier but also make us beings stupid. Delegate all or nearly all of our personal responsibilities to a set of devices that take place automatically. The pace of life increasingly rampant achieve that we have time only to fulfill the "duty" and, this pressing duty, will turn our whole person in demanding absolute relaxation and tranquility. As each day mankind will be faster and more efficient with the help (or we help you?) Of our technology, but as people we are every day more exhausted and desensitized. This, what happened, is happening or will happen? It may never happen "?.

When criticism is heading towards the condition postmodern life is branded as a retrograde, conservative, traditionalist, obtuse, etc. However, when it intends to point out the drawbacks of an uncritical adoption of the "benefits" of the technological age, no proposal is set far back as a condition of life forms such as the quaternary horde sitting around fire, eating with your hands, covering our bodies with skins and where tradition and knowledge is transferred exclusively orally. Nor is that each of us having to become a contemplative ascetics and our main hobbies are reading The Iliad and The Odyssey in Greek or dedicate the art of cultivating bonsai. No, that's not the idea. No need to radicalize the issue, but that's what you're doing when or defend at all costs the disbanding technological or advocates a return to prehistoric life forms.

On the other hand, some say, "Is it not necessary to achieve a studio dedicated technology, ongoing research and painstaking experimentation. How can you tell us more stupid if you have achieved impressive technologies? "For two situations occur. The first is that those who study, experiment and investigate the technology are a tiny group of people compared to the millions who use them and the adopt-a-blind in their daily lives. The second thing is that technological development and other development. Both move at speeds totally outdated. The greater the advancement of technology the greater the progress of impersonality, and there is nothing to do if one has not realized before this case. And Konrad Lorenz had said in his The Eight Deadly Sins of Civilized Humanity 1973: "The jurisdiction of humanity itself which drives the technological development to our disadvantage, men obfuscate the value appraisal of all real and being robbed of time should be devoted to genuine reflection of human activity. " In an article devoted to analyze the work above Ursúa Nicanor (Ludus Vitalis, vol. XIII, no. 24, 2005, pp. 165-180) says "We have already noted the ability to reflect, now a vanishing value, human beings have and how this human capacity be developed to analyze the entire whole, as 'a being that ceases to reflect risks losing all specifically human qualities and skills' (Lorenz, 1973). Faced with brutal competition, both individually and collectively that we are witnessing, can only proceed, according to Lorenz, 'by revolutionary measures, or at least by a sobering transmutation of all values apparent that both are revered today. " Before the have must be enhance universal values \u200b\u200band education to develop the whole person. " So we are ladies and gentlemen. On the one hand, with regard to technology, that is, the set of skills that allow us to build things differently and leave the environment, we shine like the sun on the other, with regard to its relationship with itself and with Moreover, the human being remains as precarious as ten thousand years ago: Violence at its best (we have become artists in relation to the massive destruction, but from time to time and isolation go back to our primitive methods murder to avoid being bored in the monotonous action triggers and push buttons), samples of obsequiousness and frightening subject and all forms of discrimination and isolation, the latter so characteristic of the animal kingdom that craved differentiate but still belong and with honors . We could say that relate to what we eficientísimos impersonal, relationships with others are deficientísimos. In the words of N. Ursúa "If the scientific and technological development beyond the capacity of moral and ethical development, can we survive? Is it not time to act now so we can live in a more human world and spend from thought to action, an action-packed human and social values? ".

Those who have read or listened to Andres Oppenheimer know what I'm referring to. His latest book Chinese Tales is an apology to globalization. The book has a very clear writing but then you can find some flaws in the argument: the author is a strong advocate of globalization, does not mention one drawback about it (and go any) and what damage the environment? He never spoke of it. For Oppenheimer, China is the perfect prototype for growth but does every country in the world can grow, so As things stand? And yet, what to grow indefinitely? Few would argue that the author is fair, but it is certain that this was not the intention. The names of some of the chapters of his book speak for themselves: "More technical, less sociologists " or "Sobran psychologists, engineers are missing." I have engineers and technologists everywhere is not a solution. But psychologists have not bubbling. Ultimately become a country with technological growth need not be inextricably linked with the decline of professional social and human sciences. It is likely with more engineers and fewer social scientists in a country with educational level as ours, things go bad, or worse. Not a question of quantity but quality (and is annoying to say this, listen more). Could revitalize the educational system, to develop innovative research, to make young people interested in the university and academic excellence, concern for merit and not by the mob and it is likely that things will go better. That better not be because they need it and stay here again because it will be well. And finally as: Why are more students of the humanities, social sciences, law and fewer students engineering? Let's discuss about this question and we will see the conclusions ...

The worsening of the human condition is something patent. If we do not accept it because we want, we take land and go to sleep. Think of where we want to, think that sometimes science fiction is no longer just think about one another why we get along so badly and why with stones, metals or inorganic anything we have a wonderful relationship. Nietzsche, in his Human, All Too Human , said who we are as much at home in nature is that it has no opinion about us. Hopefully not the explanation why this is happening, if so would not only resign.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

How To Tell If You Have Fake Uggs Moccasins

Flower Island

Excellent documentary. If you have 13 minutes to spare, watch it carefully. It's worth anyway.

Monday, March 9, 2009

How To Make Energy Ring

The origin of violence

Violence is a problem of psychosocial well-altering relations of coexistence and affect the physical and mental wellbeing of people. No country or community is safe from violence. In its World Report on Violence and Health PAHO says that "violence is a ubiquitous scourge rends the social fabric and threatens the life, health and happiness of us all. " The violence here is defined as "the intentional use of physical force or power, whether in degree of threat or actual, against oneself, another person or group or community, that causes or has a high likelihood of injury , death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation "(PAHO, 2002).

Regarding the violence, it is valid to consider the following: Why do we act aggressively humans? What makes us turn against each other, with unparalleled brutality even in the most ferocious predators? Scientists and scholars from various fields have pondered this question for centuries and have proposed different explanations for the paradox of human violence (Baron and Byrne, 1998). Violence has always existed, violence to survive and violence to control the power and violence to rebel against domination, physical and psychological violence.

In the Middle Ages and up to s. XVI, ie, from St. Augustine to John Calvin, it was argued that the Creator was not responsible of the existence of evil, but man. It is in the XVI and XVIII where Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau respectively, cemented the foundation for the two major trends that explain the genesis of violence human. Hobbes believed that men were aggressive, selfish and greedy by nature. The sinister conclusion Hobbes, homo homini lupus (man is a wolf to man), was quoted by leading researchers of man: Niccolo Machiavelli (centuries before Hobbes), Nietzsche, Darwin, Freudian psychoanalysis and ethology School formed by Konrad Lorenz, as Hobbes argued that violence is inherent to mankind and that aggression is innate. In contrast, Rousseau theorized that man was naturally good, that society corrupted this goodness and, therefore, the person was not born evil but did perverse. Were the parents of Scientific Socialism, The psychologist Albert Bandura in his social learning theory and the anthropologist Ashley Montagu for whom the aggressiveness of men is not a reaction but an answer, who agreed with eighteenth-century French philosopher. They argue that culture establishes aggressive patterns and learn aggression by observing how others act, the life we \u200b\u200bare exposed to models of aggression in all areas of life (Hergenhahn, 2001). Bandura, social learning psychologist says: "People are not born with aggressive behavior repertoires prefabricated, they should be taught in one form or another" (Bandura, 1975).

Even with all this, the discussion of innate or acquired character of human violence, being the subject of controversy, it takes too much time and effort to reach an endpoint. References

Bandura, A. (1975). Social learning analysis of aggression. In Bandura, A. and Ribes, E. Behavior modification, analysis of aggression and delinquency (pp. 307-347). Mexico City: Trillas. R. BARON

and Byrne, D. (1998). Social psychology. (8ava. Ed.) New York: Prentice Hall.

HERGENHAHN, BR (2001). Introduction to the History of psychology. Madrid: Auditorium.

PAN AMERICAN HEALTH ORGANIZATION (2002). World report on violence and health: summary. Washington, DC: PAHO