The father was also called John Forbes Nash as the father of the child distinguish American-style, adding the qualifier "Senior" or "Junior" (Jr.). Senior Nash was born in Texas in 1892 and studied electrical engineering. After fighting in France during the First World War, was for one year electrical engineering professor at the University of Texas after which he joined the company Appalachian Power Company in Bluefield, West Virginia.
Jr. Nash's mother, Margaret Virginia Martin, studied languages \u200b\u200bat universities Martha Washington College and West Virginia University. She taught for ten years before marrying Nash Senior, 6 September 1924.
Johnny Nash and his family called him, was born in Bluefield Sanatorium on 13 June 1928 and was baptized in the Episcopal Church. His biographers say he was a lonely, introverted child but was surrounded a loving and caring family. He seems very fond of books and very little play with other children. His mother encouraged him to study teaching and taking you directly to good schools.
However, not noted for his brilliance at school. On the contrary, because of their awkwardness in social relationships, was considered a little late. However, at twelve years spent much time at home to do scientific experiments in his room.

* Demonstrates how the power of love can overcome any obstacles.
* What is to fight the disease of schizophrenia which entailed him to see the three characters as was the girl's, Charles and American spy.
* The emotional blockages which conlleba these consequential problems within their marriage, which gradually try to find the formula for survival.
* A root of schizophrenia leads him to a secret job as an analyst for spy codes for the government agent William Parcher (Ed Harris) who was a very strong mental block preventing the leave this disease.
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