Several months ago I asked him a question via email to Marco Aurelio Denegri (MAD). The question arose from my reading of his penultimate book entitled Of this and that , in which there is an article called artificialeza Nature and in man . Communication literally so:
In his book about this and that when dealing with Nature and artificialeza in humans, in the epilogue states that:
In his book about this and that when dealing with Nature and artificialeza in humans, in the epilogue states that:
"I share the sentiments of the Masons, according to which man is a construction. Now, I think that is construction have 25 square meters, only 25, because the other 75, the total area of \u200b\u200b100, have already been built. "
Good. However, because you used as an important source book Man Irenäus preprogrammed Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I mention what the author says on page 84:
"... ultimately not make much sense quantitative assessments designed to establish what percentage of human behavior is innate and how much is learned. This conjecture has no basis of rational relationship. "
If you believe that this point is important, let me ask you can get on these two positions?
Until then communication you send to MAD so that it could acquit through his television. He responded by this means but I sent an email that in essence, as is reasonable and appropriate, was the same as said on TV. Overall this was the mail:
"... I simply send a copy of my work," Do we want really change? "I think at this point or these Honduras I would have to reduce potential construction area of \u200b\u200b10 square meters. Haber said, as I-25 square meters was too optimistic. "
Marco Aurelio Denegri
Ching Hai, the Taiwanese master who achieved lighting, they say, the Himalayas and who is considered a living Buddha, is stirring the spiritual roost in the East as in the West for several years, about twenty.
Their method, essentially Buddhist requires, among other things, entirely vegetarian diet and positive spirit, we must meditate, contemplate, reflect and want of spiritual transformation or enlightenment or great existential change vehemently and despair. Ching Hai
exemplifies the latter referring to a very interesting history of Zen Buddhism. Zenica is a very vivid story, I mean, really effective in terms of message. Consists on page 36 of the number 94 issue of The Supreme Master Ching Hai News (News from Supreme Master Ching Hai). History Zenica
referring Ching Hai is as follows:
A Zen disciple asked his teacher how you can enlightenment, and his teacher tells him that wishing it so much, then the disciple asks him about it a lot: "Ah," says the master, "come with me, come with me to the river."
reach the river and the teacher tells the disciple goal head completely under water, that it sinks in it and hold your breath. The disciple obeyed, but after half a minute, needing to breathe, want to take the lead, but the teacher immediately then it sinks again. Then it starts all a struggle, of increasing intensity, between the disciple who wants to get the head and the teacher who does not want to serve. The disciple swallow water, desperate, kick, begin to suffer from drowning and drowning when the teacher picks it up and taken out of water. The disciple, faint, exhausted, panting, arrives to tell his teacher gasped:
"Master, why did this to me? I almost drowned, I almost died. "
The teacher said
" I did it because I wanted you to despair. Now wanting desperately to understand that only the illumination gain it. If you're not desperate, then you will never light up. "
Know that for those who do not feel well, this is, for most of the people, are entirely valid the following considerations of the famous existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre:
"We are far from our situation will change," says Sartre, in Being and Nothingness (1943) - . What is more, it even seems that we are not even able to change ourselves. I'm not 'free' to escape the fate of my class, my nation or my family or to build my power or my fortune, nor to overcome my bias or insignificant habits. I am born workers, French, hereditary syphilis or tuberculosis. The story of a life-whatever-is history of failure.
[...] "Before 'made' man seems 'made' by climate and land, race, class, language, history of the community as part of the inheritance, the particular circumstances of his childhood, of habit, large or small events of his life. "
(Walter Biemel, Sartre. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSalvat, 1986, 125.)
Gurdjieff said quite rightly that in our life we best efforts to make no effort. Certerísimo.
Desrutinizarse and begin the long and laborious process of change and transformation ontological existential is for the common man, ie for 90 percent of the world, something as unattractive as it would for a lazy famous flee quickly to the approaching danger of a snake. In effect, this slave of sloth, rather than try to flee, would rather ask what you should antidote against snake venom.
Sincerémonos: rather than give up our comfort, we would prefer cliffs and perish. Neither more nor less than Baralt when railed against the government term. "Everything you try, he said, everything is done, less write such a word, less pronounced, at least include you in the Dictionary of the Academy. Before it perish, and perish the tongue, and perish all. "(Rafael María Baralt, Dictionary of Galice. Madrid, Imprenta Nacional, 1855, sv" Government ".)
Arthur Koestler (1905-1983) states that once was willing to die, but not to resign (though it was dangerous the unavoidable) the warmth and comfort that provided temporary home of a friend. The story has been told it has been reported Koestler and Erich Fromm. Let's see what it tells us about it.
"In life," writes Fromm-would require such enormous changes, people prefer to sacrifice a future catastrophe I would have to do today. The description by Arthur Koestler's something that happened during the English Civil War is an outstanding example of this common attitude:
"Koestler was the comfortable villa of a friend when she was told of Franco troops advanced. Arrive during the night and most likely he would be killed. Could be saved away, but the night was cold and rainy, and warm and comfortable home. Decided to stay and took him prisoner. Several weeks later, and almost miraculously escaped death thanks to the efforts of some journalist friends.
"This will also involve those who prefer to risk dying which presumably undergo a review reveals a serious illness that would require a major surgery. "
(Erich Fromm, To have or be? Thirteenth reprint of the first edition in English. Mexico, Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1998, 29.)
If you believe that this point is important, let me ask you can get on these two positions?
Until then communication you send to MAD so that it could acquit through his television. He responded by this means but I sent an email that in essence, as is reasonable and appropriate, was the same as said on TV. Overall this was the mail:
"... I simply send a copy of my work," Do we want really change? "I think at this point or these Honduras I would have to reduce potential construction area of \u200b\u200b10 square meters. Haber said, as I-25 square meters was too optimistic. "
Marco Aurelio Denegri
Ching Hai, the Taiwanese master who achieved lighting, they say, the Himalayas and who is considered a living Buddha, is stirring the spiritual roost in the East as in the West for several years, about twenty.
Their method, essentially Buddhist requires, among other things, entirely vegetarian diet and positive spirit, we must meditate, contemplate, reflect and want of spiritual transformation or enlightenment or great existential change vehemently and despair. Ching Hai
exemplifies the latter referring to a very interesting history of Zen Buddhism. Zenica is a very vivid story, I mean, really effective in terms of message. Consists on page 36 of the number 94 issue of The Supreme Master Ching Hai News (News from Supreme Master Ching Hai). History Zenica
referring Ching Hai is as follows:
A Zen disciple asked his teacher how you can enlightenment, and his teacher tells him that wishing it so much, then the disciple asks him about it a lot: "Ah," says the master, "come with me, come with me to the river."
reach the river and the teacher tells the disciple goal head completely under water, that it sinks in it and hold your breath. The disciple obeyed, but after half a minute, needing to breathe, want to take the lead, but the teacher immediately then it sinks again. Then it starts all a struggle, of increasing intensity, between the disciple who wants to get the head and the teacher who does not want to serve. The disciple swallow water, desperate, kick, begin to suffer from drowning and drowning when the teacher picks it up and taken out of water. The disciple, faint, exhausted, panting, arrives to tell his teacher gasped:
"Master, why did this to me? I almost drowned, I almost died. "
The teacher said
" I did it because I wanted you to despair. Now wanting desperately to understand that only the illumination gain it. If you're not desperate, then you will never light up. "
Know that for those who do not feel well, this is, for most of the people, are entirely valid the following considerations of the famous existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre:
"We are far from our situation will change," says Sartre, in Being and Nothingness (1943) - . What is more, it even seems that we are not even able to change ourselves. I'm not 'free' to escape the fate of my class, my nation or my family or to build my power or my fortune, nor to overcome my bias or insignificant habits. I am born workers, French, hereditary syphilis or tuberculosis. The story of a life-whatever-is history of failure.
[...] "Before 'made' man seems 'made' by climate and land, race, class, language, history of the community as part of the inheritance, the particular circumstances of his childhood, of habit, large or small events of his life. "
(Walter Biemel, Sartre. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSalvat, 1986, 125.)
Gurdjieff said quite rightly that in our life we best efforts to make no effort. Certerísimo.
Desrutinizarse and begin the long and laborious process of change and transformation ontological existential is for the common man, ie for 90 percent of the world, something as unattractive as it would for a lazy famous flee quickly to the approaching danger of a snake. In effect, this slave of sloth, rather than try to flee, would rather ask what you should antidote against snake venom.
Sincerémonos: rather than give up our comfort, we would prefer cliffs and perish. Neither more nor less than Baralt when railed against the government term. "Everything you try, he said, everything is done, less write such a word, less pronounced, at least include you in the Dictionary of the Academy. Before it perish, and perish the tongue, and perish all. "(Rafael María Baralt, Dictionary of Galice. Madrid, Imprenta Nacional, 1855, sv" Government ".)
Arthur Koestler (1905-1983) states that once was willing to die, but not to resign (though it was dangerous the unavoidable) the warmth and comfort that provided temporary home of a friend. The story has been told it has been reported Koestler and Erich Fromm. Let's see what it tells us about it.
"In life," writes Fromm-would require such enormous changes, people prefer to sacrifice a future catastrophe I would have to do today. The description by Arthur Koestler's something that happened during the English Civil War is an outstanding example of this common attitude:
"Koestler was the comfortable villa of a friend when she was told of Franco troops advanced. Arrive during the night and most likely he would be killed. Could be saved away, but the night was cold and rainy, and warm and comfortable home. Decided to stay and took him prisoner. Several weeks later, and almost miraculously escaped death thanks to the efforts of some journalist friends.
"This will also involve those who prefer to risk dying which presumably undergo a review reveals a serious illness that would require a major surgery. "
(Erich Fromm, To have or be? Thirteenth reprint of the first edition in English. Mexico, Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1998, 29.)
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