Regarding the psychologist BF Skinner-century Highlights XX-can say many things but we can be sure that most of what has been said has been based on interpretations of interpretations or opinions of third parties, that is, in colloquial views of what is supposed that he tried to say and if we're lucky, we can find some considerations from the readings made on Skinner. But few have been read directly or have tried. It has already formed such a visceral dislike about behaviorism that only a great intellectual interest may exceed that unfair obstacle. The false critical (ie, reproach, scorn and / or disinformation) it rained like the deluge in regard to Skinnerian behaviorism and postskinneriano. Despite all this, Skinner was always interested in the human condition and his work was fundamental in that line.
But why do I make this clarification? Because you could say that the root of most of his criticism has a strong ideological bias, on the other hand, there would be nothing inappropriate but because it is outside the doctrine anthropocentric, in my consideration, has brought more harm than good. To get the measure of all things and to propose, with the anthropic principle, that universal physical laws are restricted to those that allow the existence of the human species, this doctrine has placed us in a dictatorial center in which all lights have gone down in history as the despot lowest we can be. (What would happen to the world and the universe, if at this very moment the entire human species disappeared?).
In contrast Skinner told us "I never guessed that I was different from the pigeons." "Animal is a pejorative term, Skinner says, "but this is true only because the term has been dignified man to truly honorable spurious levels. Kruth said that while the traditional view confirms Hamlet's exclamation, 'Be like a god! ", Pavlov, the behavioral scientist, enhances the exclamation' Be like a dog!" Which meant at the time a step forward. A god is the archetypal mold of explanatory fiction, of a mind maker of miracles, of the metaphysical. The man is much more than a dog. But man, like a dog, can be analyzed scientist. " (BF Skinner, Beyond Freedom and Dignity , 248-249). With clear insight Skinner treats us off the pedestal that we have built.
I take, as an endpoint, MA Denegri what Skinner says about: "There is so much human beings are not a talent that was Skinner and yet are too convinced that they were entirely different from the pigeons. And they are not. I stay because, with Skinner. His statement was sincere. There was a boutade . He was indeed and basically like pigeons, but it was also creative and valuable member of our species. Complazcámonos therefore as in the human species no crowd or copying, but rather a shortage of members and pro viso. "
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