The leadership is a crucial issue today where the borders were opened to global trade, where organizations and companies permanently are in a constant struggle to become increasingly competitive, which has meant that the people who make efficient and able to give much whether for the good of the organization or company. Speaking of organizations and individuals is essential to mention the drivers, today's leaders, those who achieve success their organizations and to guide their subordinates to achieve. The leader as any person has many flaws and virtues that must know, this means first looking within oneself, to know and then understand others and reflect on what you want to achieve what you want to achieve with others to achieve success . This analysis lead us a entender para luego conocer a los demás y de esta forma mejorar nuestro desempeño como líderes que somos, sea para beneficio personal o de nuestra organización donde laboramos .
La esencia del liderazgo son los seguidores. En otras palabras, lo que hace que una persona sea líder es la disposición de la gente a seguirla. Además, la gente tiende a seguir a quienes le ofrecen medios para la satisfacción de sus deseos y necesidades. El liderazgo y la motivación están estrechamente interrelacionados. Si se entiende la motivación, se apreciará mejor qué people want and the reason for their actions.
Today's leader must master a myriad of functions, to provide interaction with the environment and efficiently manage the destiny of the company. To be strategic, proactive and a leader. To organize need to know where it goes, how it will organize, and at every stage to know to be a leader ....
E l to Leadership and has been gaining increasing importance as mechanism and control coordination necessary to achieve the aims and purposes of the organization . and that power is the basis of the leader is the way they have the leaders to extend their influence on others. The power is won and they get the leaders based on their personalities, activities and situations in which they operate.
The organization is a system that integrates a group of individuals is therefore necessary to adopt rules of behavior and coordination in activities, so as to increase the willingness of the behaviors. The power of a leader also emanates from the other control group members who want or need to meet any need ...
attn: Danilo Rios
management principles management
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