Monday, November 19, 2007

Digital Playground Online Pirates 2

Human Resource Planning

is important to the planning of resources to meet organizational objectives and goals of the organization, job design analysis and allows us to know tasks and activities of all positions within the organization, this serves as reference to other functions of human resource management and recruitment and selection, training, performance appraisal and salary administration. The recruitment and selection allows you to choose, evaluate suitable personnel to carry out the objectives organizational. The evaluation and performance review evaluates two areas: both the employee to view their performance and for evaluating how well organization has made the selection as is the post. As wage and salary administration, this represents an important factor in motivating employees.
organizational goals to meet the necessary staff required and appropriate, that is why the importance of human resource planning is therefore essential that the positions in the organization have the staff qualified to fill them. The human resource planning allows the company to provide the right people at the right time and accurate, this is a process to anticipate and prevent the movement of people into the organization, within it and out. She intends to use these resources as efficiently as possible, where and when needed, to achieve the goals of the organization.
The human resources planning with strategic planning go hand in hand, a human resources succession planning helps raise organizational capacity, ie the organization's capacity to act and change, seeking a sustainable competitive advantage.
A human resource planning can provide just and necessary staff at the right time, it must be hand in hand with the organization's strategic planning. The analysis and design of the work determines the tasks and activities to be performed by a group of people helping other functions of human resource management including: recruitment, selection, training, performance evaluation, salary administration and wages and better understanding of the post by the new staff. There are methods to gather information to carry out the post on the study reports. Recruitment and selection, determines the quality of employee you'll get the business. This function selects the proper and suitable person to fill the position in need appropriate assessments are made by determining the profile of candidates for a satisfactory performance when occupying the seat. The recruitment announcement may be made by internal or external.
human resource planning should take into account the participation of all managers and supervisors of the organization to that based on the strategic plan which has the organization, project resource requirements and the needs of the organization . The formats of job descriptions should be standardized, often reflects the needs of an organization and experience of the drafters, job descriptions should be written in clear and specific ...
Attn: Danilo Rios
Seminar II

Mera Naam Joker Shower

What Qualities Needed to Be a Good Manager absenteeism

That Qualities Needed to Be a Good Manager
A manager must be proactive ie, that manages to anticipate what will happen, and to encourage change, that has a strategic business vision, and be able to shape and integrate equipment Why this?. Rightly said that this change is attributed to the increasing integration of our society and economy to the world. Organizations began to be increasingly flat and needed to be more efficient given the competition, which has meant that leaders and organizations have to have new skills that formerly were not so necessary. At present, it seeks to have a manager that balances both your personal life and working life, because ultimately, they are more successful. A manager who is a trainer of people who constantly train their people, therefore, his personal example is crucial. That's the difference between managers leading administrators and managers. And a good executive has both qualities.
Given this brief introduction I can say that the quality that it takes to be a good manager are the following:
1. One who has had experience in knowing how to obey, because this way you know to send and exercise authority.
2. He who has the ability to reach their subordinates in search of an idea or opinion.
3. That is genuine and not copy foreign models and poses and accepts its own history
4. That is right and that is honor.
5. Having a healthy relationship with your family and friends, because it affects the workplace.
6. Which has a universal analytical skills, layers present several alternatives to solve a problem.
7. Who has imagination and encourages creativity, (because now the managers are very mathematical and logical) and thus encourages subordinates to innovate and improve continuously.
8. It is emphasized that it must be grounded in the narrow sense of the ideal of what is feasible to work on the basis of priorities, separating the important thing of the urgent.
9. Must know how to delegate granting autonomy, which will generate response capabilities in the enterprise.
10. Must be able to develop a vision, which involves working with a sense of long-term and maintain principled leadership. Do not neglect these aspects and if you suggest it be part of those managers described as very good .
Attn: Danilo Rios
Management Principles of Management

Monday, November 5, 2007

Intel Q9550 Overclock Maximus Ii Formula


absenteeism absences is set by the workers in a given center work, justified or not. Absenteeism may be due to the completion of the employment contract the employer will, as long as the objective cause of the absence is not justified ...
There are two types of absenteeism: Absenteeism called "voluntary" (no assistance work by an employee who thought he was going and missed calls "involuntary" (work absenteeism for medical reasons).
In my opinion adequate staff motivation policy is undoubtedly the best weapon to combat absenteeism. To apply it is necessary to determine what measures can help increase employee satisfaction and implementing concrete actions; One of the most valuable is the flexibility in scheduling, as it helps to balance work and family life, also can be effective policy support expedite health care to employees and thank a result reduce the number of days and hours of absenteeism due to illness.
absenteeism can help reduce the productivity of a company, cause organizational problems and generate high costs, because you have to fill the post of absentee, their absence may cause you not to use machinery , among other things that directly affect the organization ...
attn: Danilo Rios

Crazy Ways Women Masterubate

The leadership is a crucial issue today where the borders were opened to global trade, where organizations and companies permanently are in a constant struggle to become increasingly competitive, which has meant that the people who make efficient and able to give much whether for the good of the organization or company. Speaking of organizations and individuals is essential to mention the drivers, today's leaders, those who achieve success their organizations and to guide their subordinates to achieve. The leader as any person has many flaws and virtues that must know, this means first looking within oneself, to know and then understand others and reflect on what you want to achieve what you want to achieve with others to achieve success . This analysis lead us a entender para luego conocer a los demás y de esta forma mejorar nuestro desempeño como líderes que somos, sea para beneficio personal o de nuestra organización donde laboramos .
La esencia del liderazgo son los seguidores. En otras palabras, lo que hace que una persona sea líder es la disposición de la gente a seguirla. Además, la gente tiende a seguir a quienes le ofrecen medios para la satisfacción de sus deseos y necesidades. El liderazgo y la motivación están estrechamente interrelacionados. Si se entiende la motivación, se apreciará mejor qué people want and the reason for their actions.
Today's leader must master a myriad of functions, to provide interaction with the environment and efficiently manage the destiny of the company. To be strategic, proactive and a leader. To organize need to know where it goes, how it will organize, and at every stage to know to be a leader ....
E l to Leadership and has been gaining increasing importance as mechanism and control coordination necessary to achieve the aims and purposes of the organization . and that power is the basis of the leader is the way they have the leaders to extend their influence on others. The power is won and they get the leaders based on their personalities, activities and situations in which they operate.

The organization is a system that integrates a group of individuals is therefore necessary to adopt rules of behavior and coordination in activities, so as to increase the willingness of the behaviors. The power of a leader also emanates from the other control group members who want or need to meet any need ...
attn: Danilo Rios
management principles management