Once upon a time, when the day came to its decline, with a reddish hue on the indigo sky, a boy left home. He was dark, tall, handsome and strong. But something did not match: it was his eyes, a dull and sad eyes.
He had never seen a sunset, because he was blind. Limited only to hear the humming of the birds and seagulls. That day was a walk on the beach while it was still daylight. Then he heard:
"Hello, how are you? It was a sweet voice, soft and velvety.
- What is your name - she said.
He, after hesitating several seconds, said in amazement:
My name is Carlos! "He said" And you? "Said perplexed.
She did not tell him immediately, just simply say
Come with me, I will show you something.
After a few seconds of uncertainty accepted. She led him into the water from the beach and shore said
- Do you dare? Carlos did not hesitate for a moment to say yes. That girl said
"You take away the glasses, where we will not do you much good.
He pulled them off without saying anything more and Carlos taking off his shirt, was launched on water dolphin that desperate. At first it seemed just a simple bath, something spontaneous, but simple .. The time was realizing that was not so common, though she was getting better and felt something inside. Something that made him see! He turned to feel useful, live independently. He looked for the girl and was gone. "How can that be?" - Thought Carlos.
days passed and went to doctors and specialists, gave no explanation. After the surprise of his family, he began to think: "How could again see that girl? I thank you. " He had several days
wondering, thought maybe I could see her again without pretending to be blind, and he did. He returned to the promenade with his cane and glasses. In the evening went to the beach for a walk. And indeed! hear that voice again:
- Hello! How new are you blind? What happened? - She said.
-Carlos, was astonished to see how wonderful! - Thought. Carlos, among his surprise and disbelief said vague: no, nothing if you wanted to say thanks and I could not think of doing otherwise. I see you're beautiful as any ... She
cut quickly, "It's impossible not sigas." said the girl.
- What is impossible? "Said Carlos
" Ours, "she said I can not keep seeing you, I made a cure madness, I thought that by helping the one I thought was the love of my life, my curse would destroy but no, it is not. Come see me .-
He took to the beach and Carlos touched the water, "He's cold-
" Just for you, "said the girl," I'm used-
- Accustomed? What is that? "Look at this
addressed the water and touching it only told Carlos, "See?" This is the time when all the people I know are fleeing .- Carlos
perplexed .- How? No way! You are ...
"Yes, I am, I am doomed to remain a mermaid eternity under these cold waters oscuras." she said. Carlos after their surprise at discovering said
"Still beautiful as anyone reject you is not no reason. She was flattered. But with a cool head said
"No, really. How do you want to be together? It is physically impossible. I live in the sea and you on earth.
Carlos thought for a moment and considered the two possibilities: if sea \u200b\u200bis always going to live forever would not stand cold and as much under water, could not be there. . What if she came to live on earth? - He asked. So she could accompany him on earth, should lose its body and tail of a fish. Is that possible?
At the time of Charles think it said
"True, it is impossible, even if I could see every afternoon could be very good friends. She nodded
very sad.
were cited for the following day and left with a sweet kiss. Gradually moved away but their hearts were now closer together than ever.
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