came from different places, but inexplicably, they all agreed. No one knows the reason for how they could match if not known. On a highway on the outskirts of the city, had a resting place was not very pleasant, was semi-abandoned, people rarely went there.
The family lived a couple of hours in this place. They stopped there because I had a little accident happened: they had crossed a cat and had hit. Although he had not suffered any damage the vehicle, took the place of rest to stop. They wanted reassurance, recover Startle the cat abuse.
A police car carrying a murderer and had to move to a prison, but they got dark and had to stop at the hotel. They asked for a room that had no windows so the prisoner would think in the escape.
appeared a tramp, who was aimlessly, not knowing where I could stop and he did there.
When he said to give him a room but had no money to pay for the room. This person agreed with the family in the hallway that night would be overlooked. They said their names, Elena, and little Jon Jon.
The hotel receptionist hit the road and got run over. Car, the driver ran away and everyone is scared. The police said that the prisoner had escaped and they said that the prisoner had escaped from there, but when it was where she had seen the prisoner was dead. He had a stick in an arrow stuck in his chest. He was dead, the police could not believe it. Concluded that there was someone who had the cadaber matado.En had a medal before the prisoner had no task brings the number five. When I told them that someone had been killed had it and it was someone from here. All were frightened and the police suspected they were all for the laundry that the police told them that if anything ever happened there could have protection, but when they arrived there they found the policeman dead and in the laundry and had a medal the medal put the number four. They thought it was the best time to be together and stayed in a room. The mother had a serious illness and they confessed to Elizabeth that doctors told him was going to die in less than a month for a tumor that had very named extended. The woman lay on the bed and accompany the child when the child came out but the woman had died and had a medal and all those who died put the number three, they were afraid the murderer was there. The child started Allora and the succor and his father drove the car but when they reached the car explosion, killing both. When Isabel came ponia uno.Isabel the numbers two and could salba but went crazy and went to ground just outside the city to live when they arrived they found the boy she thought he was dead but it was the boy who killed all and said she would be the number zero.
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