Sunday, June 28, 2009

Design Blogs Drapery Holdback Installation

CONFLICT AND VIOLENCE: Conceptual Difference - Conflict Management

Nature is diverse. Culture is an extension of nature. The contrasts are made between them have served as a terrific excuse to wander foolishly.
culture is merely a refinement of Natura (Already researchers have argued currents are supposed to as far away as ethology, Psychology, Social Psychology and Cultural Anthropology, but the difference between them lies in the importance they attach to each of them.) As I said, culture is the refinement of nature, or rather, SHOULD BE. I say should be because if we make a brief observation of the society as a whole does not seem to be a refinement but a mere copy of the wild, only now between concrete, big cities and technology. Some would say that culture is the highest peak of the "human development". You should be! But it is not. Start
saying that nature is heterogeneous ... And so is culture, but conflicts caused by heterogeneity, which is a property of nature, should be corrected with elegance for the alleged human development. Not so.

Example: Racism and contempt for the stranger are forms of human behavior that have clear phylogenetic bases, ie lags are dragged from our primitive animal nature. In other words, racism and contempt por el forastero son formas de comportamientos que adquirimos en tiempos idos, que nos sirvieron para una mejor adaptación al medio, en ese entonces salvaje, y para avanzar como especie. Rechazar al extraño es propio de especies sociales. Pero ahora ya no nos sirve como ventaja adaptativa, pero seguimos siendo racistas y rechazando al forastero… ¿Cultura ha hecho lo pertinente para controlar esas formas de comportamiento? Tal vez en ámbitos restringidos y con casos excepcionales, pero ¿podemos decir que eso es lo común? No. Las guerras por credo, territorio, raza, dominación demuestran que el control cultural no ha sido efectivo –hasta ahora– para el impulso natural.

¿Cuál is the form of "cultural control" (perhaps not the best name but we can give an idea) most commonly used in society?: Tell lightly that we are all equal. This just trying to homogenize vulgar to all without conscience or respect for differences (which incidentally, are not as abysmal but they are there). And there is nothing more terrible to do the same as what is not. It must manage the conflicts arising from the heterogeneity, on the other hand, is absolutely typical of the constitution of the universe. Heterogeneity is inherent to the universe. In the heterogeneous nature collide-o-interacts and causes drastically forward or reverse that finally, after all, is a requirement of universal cycle. With regard to man ("with superior intelligence?), The heterogeneous collide-o-interacts and causes conflict if not managed with competence, respect and common purpose produces violence, the destructive side of human beings. And it lags need not be explicit. Violence has worsened daily and will continue if we take more fuel to the fire by enabling a world increasingly crowded, sick, addicted to drugs and environmental damage.


All people should interact, relate with other (The anacoresis is fine but for a select few).

All people are heterogeneous. We are different (I'm sure the difference is not essential, that is, we are not each a different world to discover. But we have our differences quite respectable).

When we interact with others we meet directly with its heterogeneity, with its otherness and conflict arises which is quite expected and normal. If you do not respond assertively, with conscience and respect for differences (response very difficult to carry out) violence occurs.

Not every conflict leads to violence. But all violence comes from a mismanaged conflict.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Midnight Hot Without Cloth



"Many times the teaching of mathematics is governed by a model traditional teaching, therefore, students lose interest in this matter and in most cases, teachers ignore the importance of a good use of language in this way to create strategies that encourage and facilitate their students an understanding of the processes to be followed in solving the problems, according to the subjects discussed "

In today's education have not changed things. Some factors which may be decisive in the proposal you have to renew the mind and then the language of mathematics, which, as science mater must have strong ties with the teacher's attention and commitment it has with its students. However, as suggested by Vygotsky, in his theory "the medium as a trainer structural thinking individual", it is vital that the teacher is related to the environment in order to generate more precise and clear way the notion of knowledge.

Let the words you use are to rise to the occasion, but obviously this is from most of their training as a person, which leads us to reflect on a question of time before and is: Are we teaching complex enough to exercise our profession, both in class and in our personal lives, having a clear notion of trainers, people with purpose of use to society?

may seem somewhat difficult to answer this question, but it is clear that the management of an excellent language with an excellent strategy is the creation of a new educational and emotional process towards mathematics, EJM.: We know that the number one and the number two exist infinite sets and subsets of more numbers. If we apply this example to life, find then that this principle is a functional law. In the center of a table is a bowl, in the same find a world of many different ecosystems consisting of organisms that live there, and that in turn are part of another external world that exerts a function on the same giving way to the set theory, one of the most important laws of mathematics.

This is the language of mathematics. Complex but simple turn applicable to the environment in which we live daily, and parallel to a world that we ignore is present there, with its own laws and forms of expression.

The use of language in teaching mathematics in most cases is not correct because the teacher is guided by a traditional pedagogical model which implies an authoritarian teacher by making the student a passive recipient in this way causes problems in understanding, creating a wall of recentemente toward math.

has been shown that students do not hate but feel matemmaticas phobia about it, this is the communication you have received from their teachers.

Math is considered a very important matter and for this reason we believe that their teaching and how to communicate must be correct to facilitate their learning and it is clear that idea is something very difficult, because it is difficult to teach, a mechanism and local advocacy for teachers to avoid admitting their mistake is if he understood correctly unless you also enter and hblar or only with the board, this is because the teacher does not know how to communicate and is unaware that each has a different learning perosnas that sometimes it is faster or slower, then by not knowing how to communicate it protects your board and "I was uestede no", which creates a bad communication.

For a math teacher in language and communication must be very important in addition to having a good command of the subject, it can be a good mathematician but if you do not know how to communicate with their students will not be a good teacher.

A math teacher should be aware of the stages of language set by piaget to meet his students and thus establish the most appropriate educational ethod, says piaget "children make sense of things primarily through its actions on its environment" for the language relates to experience, every teacher can use their experience and their students as a basis for improving comunicaion with these and the relationship.

Vygotsky (1978) highlighted the value of culture and social context, he saw the child grow when and help guide them in the learning process. Vygotsky (1962, 1991) assumed that the child has a need to act effectively and independently and have the ability to develop mental state superior performance when interacting with the culture (as he interacts with others). The child has an active role in the learning process but does not act alone.

The student needs to be an active receiver in this way can one properly understand the issue needs to explore and discover but always with a mediator in this case the teacher to guide him toward the right direction without telling all, allowing that develop their skills and understanding of the subject.


To finish this vicious chain of math phobia the best solution is to understand and manage in an adequate language and communication, and also have knowledge of the theories already mentioned above, as Piaget and Vygotsky .

The traditional model gives misconceptions and be forgotten, and we must open our minds to new solutions for a better work already done by teachers in mathematics.
and erase from our minds the concept of pedagogy and the slave who had brought children to school.

I invite you to visit this website.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

How Many Weeks Brazillian Wax

Regarding the psychologist BF Skinner-century Highlights XX-can say many things but we can be sure that most of what has been said has been based on interpretations of interpretations or opinions of third parties, that is, in colloquial views of what is supposed that he tried to say and if we're lucky, we can find some considerations from the readings made on Skinner. But few have been read directly or have tried. It has already formed such a visceral dislike about behaviorism that only a great intellectual interest may exceed that unfair obstacle. The false critical (ie, reproach, scorn and / or disinformation) it rained like the deluge in regard to Skinnerian behaviorism and postskinneriano. Despite all this, Skinner was always interested in the human condition and his work was fundamental in that line.

But why do I make this clarification? Because you could say that the root of most of his criticism has a strong ideological bias, on the other hand, there would be nothing inappropriate but because it is outside the doctrine anthropocentric, in my consideration, has brought more harm than good. To get the measure of all things and to propose, with the anthropic principle, that universal physical laws are restricted to those that allow the existence of the human species, this doctrine has placed us in a dictatorial center in which all lights have gone down in history as the despot lowest we can be. (What would happen to the world and the universe, if at this very moment the entire human species disappeared?).

In contrast Skinner told us "I never guessed that I was different from the pigeons." "Animal is a pejorative term, Skinner says, "but this is true only because the term has been dignified man to truly honorable spurious levels. Kruth said that while the traditional view confirms Hamlet's exclamation, 'Be like a god! ", Pavlov, the behavioral scientist, enhances the exclamation' Be like a dog!" Which meant at the time a step forward. A god is the archetypal mold of explanatory fiction, of a mind maker of miracles, of the metaphysical. The man is much more than a dog. But man, like a dog, can be analyzed scientist. " (BF Skinner, Beyond Freedom and Dignity , 248-249). With clear insight Skinner treats us off the pedestal that we have built.

I take, as an endpoint, MA Denegri what Skinner says about: "There is so much human beings are not a talent that was Skinner and yet are too convinced that they were entirely different from the pigeons. And they are not. I stay because, with Skinner. His statement was sincere. There was a boutade . He was indeed and basically like pigeons, but it was also creative and valuable member of our species. Complazcámonos therefore as in the human species no crowd or copying, but rather a shortage of members and pro viso. "