iridiunline Services
protecting customer connected alarm in your home: You can activate the alarm while sleeping and watch the rest of laccase when you disagree. Our team allows you to protect separate areas of your home or business, so you're always protected
Control input / output from your mobile phone / internet: Receive al instante mensajes SMS en su teléfono móvil de quién entra y sale de su casa o negocio (Sra Limpieza, portero, hijos, empleados...).También podrá controlarlos desde nuestro Portal de Usuarios en Internet
- PRECIO:79€ + 36 pagos de 10 € por amortización equipo(Precio de Instalación con 3 Elementos de Detección) - IVA no incluidoINCLUYE: modulo de comunicación directa pueden hablar con el cliente y escuchar en tiempo real lo que sucede en el lugar donde se situa la alarma
Incluye:sirena bateria 1detctor de escucha microfona modulo habla/escucha teclado de control con display azul boton sos dos detectores de movimientos 1 detector magnetico para las mado adistancia doors and a price not included in the pack € 49.5
This is the service offered by Securitas Direct
Prosegur In Group, more than 60,000 professionals working for the client to live alone. Because we put the utmost dedication in protecting the home, trade or business. No matter how big or how small your security needs.
For them each customer is a priority, because you feel protected too.
- connection monitoring station
Call - Testing on Cancellation
- Contraclave
- Court Notice
- Electrical Communications Monitoring
- Daily Web Access Prosegur
- Alarms Annual Risk Reassessment
- Annual Preventive Maintenance and Corrective
Go -
Service Control Activity -
- Key Holding
Key Management Corporate Network - Fixed and Mobile Communications
- anticutting Line / Redundancy
- Personal Safety Advice
- Optional Services
- Idle Control
- Activity Monitoring Control
- Home Automation Alarm
This technique is the service offered Prosegur where prices do not include
Emergency Medical
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