having the blog feel so neglected, but it is time to show, you know. This fair, Artegift, it is very important both for Tortuga Pecosa to me as part of Experience "and Artesandrías , because then we're going to take a well deserved holiday !!!!!
But do not be scared, nor rejoice much for us, unfortunately we are not going to the Caribbean, nor will we abandon our beloved blogs, but it will be a holiday fair. The reason is that, unfortunately, not Turtle and I are dedicated only to this, and the assembly and preparation of a fair takes hard work and dedication on our part that we have to reconcile with our other work and private lives.
We are also investigating new ways to express ourselves as illustration, or new products, such as exclusive collection of bags that are ready (they are so unique that each bag will be unique), or a new form of Toy little exploited so far, but not anticipate events. We are eager to develop and offer different products with a very specific aesthetic that we're working. I only say that we are studying some Japanese books are giving us some ideas and then make our way to our touch.
Since we will be experiencing and we will be showing the result would greatly appreciate any feedback or collaboration.
As regards Sylvanas's burrow, in addition to the normal post, try to go away occasionally putting some input with some guidance or recommendations, because I see what you more successful the blog and think it might be useful, I personally would have appreciated this kind of advice when I started. If there is any issue that you would like to make a post you have only to say, also if you want to ask me anything you can do it here or e-mail, I promise to answer.
In the next days I will put some of the stuff that will be sold at the fair, such as a purse o. collection. as expected, new versions of NOSFERATIN. Nosferatin say that he has taken to dressing up ... I can read here, jejejejeje.
See you in Artegift, 10 and 11 December.
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