Thursday, October 14, 2010

How To Tell If The Fuel Pump Is Working Astra

reborn ghost Dustbunnies

After fairs and a little well deserved rest I present an amigurumi really was a commission. This is a fairy dust Totoro, which I had no idea what it was, so I had to search the Internet.

In my opinion it is fully improved and is better made with wool hair, but hey, while I get the wool (maybe this weekend I do with it) I think it has been a very majete Bichin.

Bichin This is currently the best shop in the whole world , Atlantic 3.0 in c / Star n º 18, Madrid. I will gradually bringing some things to store, in fact I have some exclusive sales projects in the same, such as Naruto amigurumi, but not anticipate events that I have waaaaay projects and unfortunately very little time.

Hope you like and do not stop dropping by the store!


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