Let me
is a clear need for all humans to live and stay in power, can not conceive of our lives without hierarchy and without establishing a vertical relationship between us and tell us and show the limits of our approach. Everywhere we are under some kind of power that supposedly requires the proper way to think, behave, have fun, feel, interact, ie to live. It is something already established and difficult or impossible to modify. Not so much an intrinsic impossibility of eliminating the ideas and forms of power but by the negative subject's own elimination. The living under power, you need to live. The respective historical insanity that has gone by humans makes it impossible for him to impose the notion of need for power. Not imagine a world without power and living with each other without external directives prescribing good and evil, right and wrong, appropriate and inappropriate, in short, what can be done and no. People are going to meet, listen and esteem for their political representatives, shows devotion and religiosity (the intensity of devotion and religion is a separate issue), and lifted up his militia and imposes its economy. This is appropriate and expected in a world disharmony and separation that makes delegating responsibility to centers of power to give effect to our sense of supremacy. And the circle continues, submission to others and the power prevails, remaining provisions: power as a machine that moves the world and dictate to people what they should and can do. Kant and ranked ethical heteronomy and autonomy. Almost all humans live and, worst of all, we live in a state of heteronomy ethics, ie, there must be a standard or external charge and order that we prescribe what is right or wrong. We have formed a structure and organization throughout history that, course, is the power of any kind and gives us guidelines for our lives.
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